
unanswered questions

1. Are we born to spend our life in loneliness? What struck me the most were how my parents reacted to ageing through isolation with the society. Besides being with the family and staying at home, nothing seems to bring interest to them. Inevitably, I sense their loneliness through their daily actions, like how they had avoided going out to social and how their temperament switches very often between happy and moody. Furthermore, as  their children, we grew older and moved on with our lives and the gap between us and our parents grew larger too. Thankfully, grandchildren were there to occupied their days. Otherwise, loneliness will creeped in further in their lives.  Sometimes I ponder if they ever question their purpose of living in this world and had they fulfil their life goals. But, as a conventional asian household we keep our conversations very shallow, heart to heart talk seems to be sacred in my family culture even with my sisters who I wish to think that we hold a very

Day 1

Never thought I will revert back to writing as an outlet. Never really like writing when I was younger because I always thought that I am more of a people person. So I talked a lot previously and always have the habit of oversharing and interrupting people's conversations. However, time has proven me wrong! As I aged, I begin to realise that certain things were not meant to be spoken to anyone. I guess because no one will truly understands so why waste the time and effort to do something with little returns. I also begin to think that writing may not be as bad since now I am some sort training to be an English Teacher so it is definitely wiser to put whatever I have learnt into practice. People say practice makes perfect isn't it... (I hope) Oh well, today is probably one of those common pre-PMS-filled-with-emotions-day... It will probably get better in days to come when those funky hormones of mine decide to stop partying. Also how funny it is when you have a lot of thing